
MFA School of Visual Arts, New York, NY, 2006

BFA University of Arkansas, Fayetteville ,2002

Memphis College of Art, Memphis, TN, 1993-1995


Solo Exhibitions

I know what I saw, Helmuth Projects, San Diego, CA, 2015

Sacred Geometry for a Profane Existence -everything you know is wrong, Helmuth Projects, San Diego, CA, 2014

The Invocation of Saint Nicholas, Helmuth Projects, San Diego, CA, 2011

“bitchinriffgenerationmindmeltmachine”, Art Under the Bridge Festival, Brooklyn, NY, 2007


Selected Group Exhibitions

A Method for Reaching Extreme Altitudes, San Diego Central Library, CA, 2018

I know what I saw - Museum Display, The New Children’s Museum, San Diego, CA 2017

Parallel Universe, Baum Gallery, Palomar College, Palomar, CA 2017

Intergalactic Dreaming, San Diego International Airport, CA, 2017

Flat Earth, A Ship in the Woods, Escondido, CA, 2016

Wouldn’t It Be Nice, Eastfield College –H100 Gallery, Mesquite, TX 2016

A Long Term Memory for Light, A Ship in the Woods, Del Mar, CA 2014

Object, Object, Helmuth Projects, San Diego, CA 2014

Endless Summer 3, You are here, San Diego, CA 2013

Collide, Parachute Factory, San Diego, CA 2012

Never Records -Derry, Context Gallery, Derry, Ireland 2011

Endless Summer II, Habitat House, San Diego, CA 2011

Suspension, DNZA Projects, San Diego, CA 2011

I’d Prefer Not To…, DNZA Projects, San Diego, CA 2010

Endless Summer, Suture Gallery, San Diego, CA 2010

Never Records, Never Can Say Goodbye, New York, NY 2010

Reverb, Heist Gallery, New York, NY 2008

Iʼll be your mirror…, Heist Gallery, New York, NY 2008

Behold! The Antagonist Art Movement, Dead Cat Gallery, Providence, RI 2008

Arkansas Boys: Proudly From The Dirty Dirt, The Base Gallery, Kansas City, MO, 2008

Letʼs Bolt, Again, Rock Paper Scissors Collective, Oakland, CA 2008

Rockʼn Roll Fantasy, White Box Gallery, NY, NY 2007

Just Another 3704558 [ASSHOLE], Conflux Festival Project, Brooklyn, NY 2007

Letʼs Bolt, Clemente Soto Velez Cultural Center, NY, NY 2007

1st Anniversary Semiennial, Monkeytown, Brooklyn, NY 2006

No No Style, Monkeytown, Brooklyn, NY 2006

A Delicate Arrangement, David Zwirner Gallery, NY, NY 2006

Prime Time: MFA Thesis Exhibition, Visual Arts Gallery, NY, NY 2006

Body of Work, Gallery Agniel, Providence, RI 2003